Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just reached Halifax in Canada and tomorrow I leave for a one hundred and eight day voyage around the world where I'll be stopping in twelve different countries including Spain, Morocco, Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Singapore, Viet Nam, China, Japan and ending in Hawaii and San Diego.  This program is called Semester at Sea and it's a study abroad program where I live and take classes on a ship while traveling the world.  I decided to go on this trip about three weeks ago so it has been nonstop chaos in my house trying to get visas, course transfer credit permissions, textbooks shipped over, travel tickets, packing and much more.  It was an insane idea to do this last minute but I do not regret it. This is going to be the end of my first blog because unfortunately I am still preparing and packing for my voyage, but I plan to update it as much as possible.. thanks for checking it out.

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